Canada Post Pension Plan 2023 Report to Members

We’re pleased to share with you the 2023 Canada Post Pension Plan Report to Members, which discloses important information about the Plan’s performance and how it is funded and managed.

In the defined benefit (DB) component of the Plan, the value of assets grew from $29.5 billion to $30.8 billion in 2023. The surplus in the DB component of the Plan grew from $6.5 billion to $7.5 billion on a going-concern basis. The DB component demonstrated strong relative performance with an annual rate of return of 7.7%, compared to our benchmark’s return of 9.9%. The DB component’s going-concern valuation means it continues to have more than enough assets to meet its obligations to Plan members over the long-term.

Assets in the defined contribution (DC) component grew from $153.5 million to $211.7 million. These assets grow as the number of employees (members) in the DC component rises, as well as through the pension fund’s investments. We encourage DC members of the Plan to review their statements to see the personal rate of return on their assets. Statements are mailed to your home or can also be viewed online by signing in at or by using the My Canada Life at Work mobile app.

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